February 10, 2009

What’s keeping you from living a Happy life?

For the past 20 years I've wanted to have my own advice column. For years I thought all kinds of thoughts about how this wasn't possible until one day I realized I could actually do it. Yes, this was quite a liberating moment for me and I asked my daughter to set up this blog and in just a few minutes my life long dream was a reality. All I need now are people with real problems for me to solve and that's where you come in. Are you in need of help and don't know where to turn? Would you like FREE Life Coaching? If you answered yes then today is your lucky day. The only catch is that you are willing to share your problem and my answers to your problem with the world wide web. If you’d like to submit a problem please send me an e-mail with your name, phone number (in case I need to clarify something you wrote) and your problem. My email address is sheryl@ruhappe.com. Your privacy is extremely important to me and I never use your real name or other identifying information for this blog. My main goal is to help you, and others live a happier life. Thanks so much for your support and I look forward to helping you live the life of your dreams.

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